Adding PDF Files to Your Search Agent

Integrating PDF documents into your search agent significantly enhances its ability to provide comprehensive search results by indexing the content within these documents. The add_pdf method facilitates the addition of PDF files to your search agent, leveraging various parameters for customization and optimization of the process.

Function Signature

The add_pdf function is designed to be flexible, accommodating various use cases from adding a single PDF file to integrating entire directories of PDF documents.


  • input_dir (Optional[str]): The directory path containing PDF files to be added. If specified, the method scans this directory for PDF files.
  • input_files (Optional[List]): A list of paths to individual PDF files to be added. If provided, input_dir is ignored.
  • exclude_hidden (bool): When set to True, hidden files or files starting with a dot (.) in input_dir are excluded.
  • filename_as_id (bool): If True, uses the filename as the unique identifier for each PDF document in the database.
  • recursive (bool): If set to True, the method also searches subdirectories within input_dir for PDF files.
  • required_exts (Optional[List[str]]): Specifies file extensions to include. Defaults to [".pdf"] to target PDF files.
  • system_prompt (str): An optional prompt to guide the system in processing PDF content.
  • query_wrapper_prompt (str): An optional prompt that wraps user queries, enhancing the relevance of search results.
  • embed_model (Union[str, EmbedType]): Specifies the embedding model for text extraction and embedding. The default setting uses the predefined model.
  • llm_params (dict): Parameters for configuring the integration with Large Language Models, enhancing content understanding and query processing.
  • vector_store_params (dict): Configuration for the vector store, defining how and where the extracted embeddings are stored.
  • service_context_params (dict): Additional parameters for customizing the service context.
  • query_engine_params (dict): Parameters for customizing the query engineโ€™s behavior.
  • retriever_params (dict): Configuration for the retriever component, affecting how documents are retrieved based on queries.

Example Usage

Adding a Directory of PDF Files


This example scans the specified directory (and its subdirectories) for PDF files, adding them to the search agentโ€™s database.

Adding Specific PDF Files

    input_files=["/path/to/document1.pdf", "/path/to/document2.pdf"],