Integrating Website Content into Your Search Agent

Incorporating entire websites into your search agent significantly enhances its ability to provide comprehensive and relevant search results. The add_website method is designed to facilitate the seamless integration of web content, expanding the knowledge base of your agent with rich, web-based information.

Function Signature

The add_website function provides a streamlined approach to ingesting content from specified websites, allowing your search agent to access and index web pages.


  • url (Optional[str]): The URL of the website to be added. This is the starting point for content integration.
  • system_prompt (str): An optional prompt to guide the system in processing website content. It can be used to specify instructions or objectives for the content retrieval process.
  • query_wrapper_prompt (str): An optional prompt to enhance the relevance of user queries by wrapping them. This can be particularly useful for tailoring the search experience based on the website’s content.
  • embed_model (Union[str, EmbedType]): Specifies the embedding model used for processing the website’s text content. The default setting uses a standard model optimized for web content.
  • llm_params (dict): Parameters for integrating Large Language Models, enhancing content understanding and processing.
  • vector_store_params (dict): Configuration parameters defining how and where the extracted content embeddings are stored.
  • service_context_params (dict): Additional parameters to customize the service context for the website content.
  • query_engine_params (dict): Customization parameters for the query engine, tailoring how search queries are processed and matched with the website content.
  • retriever_params (dict): Configuration for the document retriever component, influencing how web content is retrieved and indexed based on search queries.

Example Usage

Adding a Website


This example demonstrates how to add content from a website.