Getting Started

Welcome to the Search Agent SDK documentation. This guide will help you integrate diverse data sources into your search agent, enhancing its conversational capabilities. We’ll cover everything from getting started, integrating various data sources, to customizing your agent with global parameters. Let’s dive in!


The Search Agent SDK provides a powerful toolkit for building sophisticated search capabilities into your chat or search engines. By integrating a variety of data sources and leveraging advanced machine learning models, you can create an agent that understands and responds to queries with high relevance and accuracy.

Lyzr’s Search Agent integrates all the building blocks of a Search

What are the various methods and arguments that you could pass to Lyzr’s Search class?


MethodWhat it does?
add_pdftrain and search accross PDF documents
add_websiteautomatically scrape the website content, train and search accross website data
add_docxtrain and search accross Microsoft Word documents
add_txttrain and search accross flat files
add_youtubetrain and search accross youtube content (must have transcriptions)
add_webpageautomatically scrape the webpage content, train and search accross webpage data